Germany Austria and UK signals on Sub9kHz

My computer has not been off for a couple of weeks at least now due to
the activity on 8.9kHz.
Uwe DJ8WX is regularly on overnight on 8.97022kHz and a good signal in
the UK. Chris G3XIZ is the latest station I know of to have produced a
good RX trace of Uwe using his M0BMU Loop and Amplifier.

Ossi OE5ODL is making improvements to his TX set up and is now often
visible in the day and at night in the UK. Ossi’s TX shows a
characteristic slight drift HF, good for identification when the signal
strength is low.

Chris G3XIZ plans TX tests again this weekend with possible kite or
balloon supported antenna, so get those RX’s ready.

My RX signals can be seen most days on my Part Time Grabber Page (sorry link is now defunct) please note that being a simple, cheap skate, part time grabber you the viewer have to do some work, when you want the page updated you have to refresh it yourself, oh come on its not hard work and there is an advantage over an auto refresh page which can get stuck and catch out the un-wary (me), and cause you to make a fool of yourself (me), yes I have got the T Shirt.

Update JANUARY 2018

Hmm pre auto update aye and the link above was to Dropbox, they changed their Terms and money grabbing conditions recently so we had to part company.

WOT no noise? Dreamers Band 8.9kHz

The identifiable trace from Austria on 8.9kHz yesterday may have been more visible due to the noise survey I did and some logical steps taken the day before. Often my Grabber will be in ‘test card’ mode sometimes with a still, other times a live display, of my wideband profile which is now improved.


9kHz Dreamers Band Austria

Yesterday Ossi OE5ODL Austria was just strong enough to produce a faint trace on my receiver on 8.969977kHz.

The Capture shows his signal rising slightly in frequency then falling again. The monochrome colours make for a better picture, it really is clearer live, honest. Seeking and confirming the weaker traces is an eye boggling task at times, Ossi’s curved trace below starts to the left and curves upward, it actually stops just after half way across then the noise level rises. A little trompe l’oiel occurs across the picture and the brain completes the shape with a matching downward curve.


For information past and present G3XBM’s Sub 9kHz Site is invaluable.

Noise survey and North Germany on VLF

Sooner than expected I took my portable probe on a VLF noise survey walkabout. Vast quantities of Mains harmonics from computer and other domestic gear come from my neighbours either side.


In the road the levels are less, but visible, with radiation noted from Telegraph poles in varying strengths like this. Roll on fibre optic broadband.


A reduction of noise on my received signals was made by earthing alterations.

DJ8WX continues to romp in, maybe slightly improved since the alterations. The following map gives a very accurate indication of the distance from antenna to antenna location.
Outstanding performance.


Hum on Dreamers Band Sub 9kHz

Well what do you expect really? The 50Hz Mains supply surrounds me, I actually feed the supply to my neighbour via a cable at eaves level that forms a 1/2 turn round the house, the cable passes above my shack window. I am also surrounded by houses with a similar supply system.

Mains harmonics can be seen in my VLF range, some I think, by their behaviour are propagated over a distance from their source. From where, I shall try to find out, this may involve that ‘fool up the road with the aerials’ wandering round my garden the streets and adjacent fields with a long pole and Netbbook. Ah well last time it was with my long 23cm Horn Antenna.

I downloaded the official map of the HV Grid cables and added the Electric Railway line.


I am still completing the building of a portable probe, when ready i wonder if it would be a good idea to don a white paper suit and wellies before I go on the prowl.

You Show me Yours and I will Show you Mine

Learning from those with lots of VLF experience,I find that the Noise Profile is most important on 8.97kHz, then you have to interpret what you see and try to improve any problems.

It may help to move to Iceland, TF3HZ has a near perfect profile. Halidor runs a Grabber so it’s on the web for all to see.tf3hz_wide

DL4YHF also runs a Grabber his Spectrum from Zero to 24kHz is on the web too.dk7fc_wide


I thought maybe the best way to see mine, scan up and down and compare is to put them all here.


So basically like a lot of stuff on my blog it is for my use, if you wish to look enjoy.

UK Station G3XIZ Received on 9.0kHz Dreamers Band

During an overnight test by G3XIZ in the week I was sure I saw a few well spaced pixels in a straight line from him on the correct frequency not enough to claim reception though.

Today Chris tested again, I reduced my FFT resolution to 423uHz and was rewarded with instant results. Not strong and fighting a high noise level once the rain started in the early afternoon.



Details from G3XIZ of his transmit set up :-

Frequency: 9.090 909 kHz (10.000 MHz / 1100) locked to Droitwich
Mode: Constant carrier
Power: 100 watts RF
Aerial: 40m inverted ‘L’, height 10 m
Aer current: 0.18 A

Signal from Germany on 8.9kHz Dreamers Band

Yesterday morning I commenced reception of a tiny carrier on 8.970022kHz which despite the noise I was convinced was DJ8WX in Munsterdorf Germany some 718km distant, using the E-Probe shown in my previous post.

Or was I Imagining or Dreaming. Risking being The Fool on the Hill, I posted my indistinct capture to the LF group.

In the early hours of this morning the signal was in the clear and more capable of positive identification.

Uwe DJ8WX warned me that last night that his TX would go off in approximately 10 hours. I identified the off time 06.04UTC. Then the signal appeared again at 08.04UTC and off at 09.40UTC. Uwe confirmed the on time I had noted and informed me of the impending off at 09.40UTC, due to high noise level at that time the signal/noise only dropped 3dB then 6dB and finally by 10.00UTC 10dB.

The break and final ‘short’ transmission can be seen in this 24Hr capture.dj8wx_24hrs


Imagine there’s a signal
It isn’t hard to do
He called us all dreamers
Yet there isn’t only one
Anyone can join us
All the world just works as one

Oh dear the ‘he’ knows who is, now, I don’t particularly like kebabs, some folk love them that is fine, what I don’t do is stand outside the kebab shop shouting that I don’t like them 🙂

My Best DX on 8.9kHz Dreamers Band

I don’t have an NOV for Dreamers Band, actually I don’t think I will ever TX on 8.9kHz, I am keen though on RX’ing those Hams that are TX’ing. It’s a challenge too.
I have made several trips down to the bottom end of radio with mixed results. Here there is another learning curve over and above the low signal experience we have from Knights QRSS.

Antenna wise I previously used my 40m Doublet with a couple of hundred mH switched coil, this produced results on the band but was not going to be good enough to look for 8.9kHz Ham signals for sure.

More recently I have built an 800mm square tuned Loop Antenna, this performs well but the UK weather has curtailed any attempts to try it outside. Indoor antennas are not good at VLF the pick up of QRM from the mains is huge as was also evident with the tuned Doublet which has one leg in close proximity to the house.
Next I built an E Probe Antenna, various indoor locations whilst testing it showed the need for installation in the clear. I now have this temporarily installed as far away from any houses as possible at this QTH and on a 4m insulated pole. Initial tests were with an internal PP3 battery, no good when mounted at 4m above ground so my latest tests have been with a 12 Volt Lead Acid Battery in the shed on which the antenna is mounted. This shed has a 1 Amp Solar Panel on the roof which powers my Greenhouse Solar Thermal storage system, using forward thinking, when I fitted it there several years ago it was with a probe supply in mind. The solar supply will be made switch-able so that it can be used to charge the E Probe battery once the weather gets suitable.

Here is the E probe approximately 4m agl 15m from the shack, good old gaffer tape for the temporary mounting, it’s not as close to the Holly tree as it looks in the picture.

The results once outside with some hight were outstanding.

The above picture shows the Alpha stations in the clear when the probe was just 2m high and 3m from the shack. I had never seen the Alpha’s in the clear.

The need to be clear of radiation from the mains supplies of ourselves and neighbours is illustrated by this capture of our domestic vacuum cleaner in operation on a rare shack cleaning session. This is being picked up by the probe 15m away. The peaky frequency shifts are due to load changes on the motor.

I have looked for Stephan DK7FC’s signals on 8.9kHz using the previous antenna set ups with zero results, I look forward to more tests from him. Chris G3XIZ has tested since my E probe install also with zero results, we are both working on improvements which may get some amateur signals on my screen.
When we were testing at the weekend Stephan advised that using OCXO on transmit produces a signal that is not stable enough to enable very slow FFT techniques to give the required advantage, I understand the theory and believe every word he says, he is one of the most experienced operators, I immediately changed to a faster FFT set up.
Having never seen a Ham signal in the band I have not seen a comparison. I wondered if I could produce a signal for myself. Using a 100kHz crystal and a divider I produced a square wave from the chip, coupling this to my 800mm square Loop the RF to the antenna calculates to be less than 650 micro Watts. I have no idea of the antenna efficiency but is going to be very low therefore ERP is likely to be fractions of a pico Watt I reckon.

So here is my best DX on the Dreamers Band a long carrier then a QRSS3 ‘G’ for ident, as received on the E Probe at approximately 15m. Looks stable enough doesn’t it?

Now I can try a comparison, using QRSS120 TX and 4mHz resolution at the ‘receive end’. I sent just the ‘G’, admittedly I keyed the power to the ‘TX’ on and off in both tests so drift is enhanced and the phase interupted, however the 10dB above the noise signal is very ragged, a nice practical demonstration I think that the technique needs precision locking of the TX and RX. It is clear that a signal buried in the noise would remain buried.