Not Quite the Answer for WSPR on 23cm WSJTx dev

WSJTx dev has WSPR (only 2 not 15) on it, I suppose no one on the development team has a use for 15 so it is being forgotten. During my tests on MF I had my doubts about the advantage of WSPR15 over WSPR2 but by no means is the case proven.

“WSJTx 1.6 dev handles 1296MHz fine”. Now that will be nice, I installed it. But I run XP, do the developers test on XP ? During set up Test PTT locks in TX mode the only way out is to kill the program..

Despite a few foibles the thing works nicely on on 1296MHz displaying the reports correctly and producing an ALL WSPR log that works. Next day is when the problems start WSJTX.bin does not work. Other WSPR and WSJT software works OK still. Ah well shut down the computer, it wont, part way through close down the computer  locks up and you have to crash it. Wanting to use WSJTX dev for tests I uninstalled the program WSJTX.bin does not get removed, after much struggling you can remove it and re install. Running the Program produces an error message ‘A File is Locked would you like to remove it’, say yes and nothing happens.

At computer close down after the first or re-install there is an odd period of blank screen, suspicious behavior.

So we have no version from the JT stable that runs 1296MHz WSPR on XP and sends usable reports to the Database.

Want to run WSPRx dev. on XP ? Here is how to do it.

Install at the beginning of the session, after use before you close the computer, uninstall WSJT dev.

Tomorrow re install.

As I say my activity on air is plagued by flaky software. I lost faith in JT stuff working properly years ago waiting for a few moths before gong to the next release. I found it a thankless task reporting the problems, things have not changed.

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